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Dog Talk at Bonifacio High St.

Midori: Char Siew, aren't you happy we're back at Bonifacio High st.?

Char Siew:  IKR ( I know right).  Look at all those dogs and their humans.   There are a lot of beagles.  But I still don't see other Shar Pei.   So - I think I'll get a lot of attention again.

Midori:  Yeah - there's not a lot of Shar Pei.  And I do think they like looking at you.  But - you should freshen your breath first.  You have fish breath.

Char Siew:  But don't you like Fish Breath?

Midori:  I do like Fish Breath.  But humans don't like that smell.  To be honest - I don't know why they don't like that smell.  It's an awesome smell.

Char Siew:  Yes it is.  I actually don't know why I have fish breath when I just brushed my teeth with Chicken Flavored Toothpaste.  I should have Chicken Breath.

Midori:  Ei --- look at those people.  They just came out of Krispy Kreme.  Let's go there and be cute.  Maybe they will give us doughnuts.

Char Siew: Wait,  I'll practice my cute look.

Midori:  You're cute enough  Char Siew.   Let's go.


  1. Yeah, you are both cute enough!

    Licks, hero

  2. Hello Hero. How are you doing? Does it rain all day where you
    Live? It's been raining a lot here.

    Thanks for visiting our blog. And yes I think we are cute enough but Char Siew is a bit vain. He needs to make sure all his wrinkles are in place for that perfect Shar Pei smile.
