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Malunggay Snacks - Shing-a-ling

The latest SuperFood is Malunggay.  It is also known as Moringga.  When going around the different bazaars and health stores - you will see a lot of malunggay infused products - from pasta, to chips, and sauces and dips.  According to the makers of these products - malunggay is a healthful vegetable that can cure anything from common colds to being cross eyed.  Growing up - I wasn't fond of malunggay - but like many kids - I grew up and discovered that it isn't bad tasting at all.

We found another product today - it's Malunggay Shing-A-Ling.  Shing-a-ling is like fried noodles.  I remember not being a big fan of shing-a-ling when I was growing up.   However - when the lady at Midnight Mercato asked me to try these - I did - and I liked it.  I bought two bags - one Cheese flavored and the other one is Barbecue flavored.  Both flavors are delicious.


  1. i see this when i go malling, but a different brand... they also have malunggay bread, chips, cornick, biscuits, etc. Never tried coz I'm hesitant that it might taste bad.

    1. I'm not sure if the malunggay bread is good. But you should try this. Especially if you like Shing-a-Ling. You can barely taste the malunggay - but the cheese and barbecue flavors are good.

  2. How or when can I buy this Shingaling from California. I tried these snacks and I love it. Please give me the direct website or number where I can buy directly. Thanks

    1. I'm not sure if there's a place in California which sells Shing-A-Lings. You may want to contact Mercato Centrale. That's where I got these from. They may have the contact information of the vendor who sells them:

    2. I bought 2 packages of shing a ling from Pacific supermarket on Alemany Blvd in San Francisco today.If you are in the Bay area you might also check Pacific super market on Camino Real corner Westborough Blvd in So San Francisco.

    3. Hi Anonymous, if you are in the Bay Area [San Francisco], Pacific Supermarket started to carry Shing A Ling this week. Try Manila Oriental Market on Kings Blvd / Callan in Daly City, also.

    4. Hello hipockets. Thank you for providing the info on Shing-A-Ling in the US. It's a great tasting snack - isn't it?

  3. Saan po pwede bimili into? Meron po ba as nga malls sa manila?

    1. Hi Anon. I don't see the same product in Manila. I've only seen it in Baguio. Maybe I should start a buy and sell of these products. :)
