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The Greenbelt Park

M Cafe at Night, originally uploaded by jumpnjoey16.

Greenbelt Five was opened to the public last year. I've always been amazed at the beautiful structures that the Ayala development corporation comes up with. They're modern and most of the time - they do incorporate gardens in their malls and residential properties. Greenbelt five is no exception to that.

I must however say that I do feel that Greenbelt five was a bit too much. The first four malls were good enough - why add another one? With its construction - the whole Greenbelt Park is now enclosed by the different Greenbelt structures. Yes - there are trees - but the temperature within the park seems to have risen. I think it's due to the heat that the air-conditioning units of Greenbelts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 produce.

I remember as a young professional - the park was my sanctuary. I remember going to the chapel found at the middle of the park after those stressful days at work. Today - that sanctuary-like feel is gone. So instead of having a peaceful moment at the chapel --- I just walk around the five malls and get the next best thing: Retail Therapy. It may be the next best thing - but it's a far second.

1 comment:

  1. The garden structures incorporate nature within the small scale retails shops.
