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Kindle Paperwhite<div><br></div>

In the past couple of years,  I've slowly migrated my reading from physical books to their electronic version.   I just found it a lot easier to buy books from Amazon - than to go to the local bookstore to buy a copy of the latest best seller.

I have been using my iPad for reading.  However - I find that reading before bedtime on my iPad introduces other distractions - that prevents me from actually just focusing on my book.  So I realized - that maybe I should have an exclusive device for my reading - and decided to get a Kindle Paperwhite for that.

The device is bare bones - which is part of the charm.  I like the weight --- good enough for long reading.

Comparing the size of the Kindle Paper white and my iPhone 5.

Inside the box - you will find the device and a micro-USB connector.   You can connect it to your computer to charge - or most of the USB chargers.  You can also buy the exclusive Amazon Kindle USB charger.

I tend to use the brightest settings.  Anything below that - I find is not bright enough for me.

Setup is easy.  Just login using your existing Amazon account - and you get access to all your books.

So far - I've been enjoying my Kindle.  I do notice that it's a bit slower than what I'm used to seeing in myh iPad.   I think that's ok --- but I do wish it to be much more reactive than what it is currently now - but - hey for 119 USD --- I think I can live with the current performance.

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