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Sinulog 2012

It was our first time to be in Cebu for Sinulog. We had so much fun. These photos present highlights of our first Sinulog experience.


  1. Can you tell us more about Sinulog?

  2. Hi Lisa, i apologize for having a very brief write up on this blog post. I recognize that this wonderful celebration deserves more than jist these photos. It's actually got an interesting story behind it. I posted this using my iPad and Had a hard time typing and formatting. As soon as I get back home tonight, I will write about Sinulog and Cebu.

  3. No worries! I look forward to learning more.

  4. Hi Lisa. In my post today, I wrote about the Child Jesus which is the reason behind Sinulog. For us Filipinos we celebrate this as the start of Christianity in the Philippines. Unfortunately, this also marked the start of the 200 years of being a colony of Spain.
